Artificial Intelligence and Domestic Violence: How AI Development Impacts Survivors
Depending on who you talk to, the rapid rise and development of artificial intelligence (“AI”) has people feeling either incredibly excited or incredibly uneasy. Some features are undoubtedly beneficial to our daily lives, like the applications that are used to check for spelling and grammatical errors. There are other facets, however, that provoke safety concerns – especially in the context of perpetrating domestic violence.
Especially in the context of Domestic Violence: safety is a priority! With the development of AI, there now exist programs that perform reverse image searches, allowing users to identify strangers by uploading a quick photo. There are also applications that enable the creation of “deepfakes,” computer-generated images that closely mimic the likeness of a person. Reverse image searching and computer-generated images have several innocuous uses; however, they can be means for facilitating acts of domestic violence as well.
Technology-facilitated abuse is nothing new – abusers tend to be bold behind a screen, using social media and text messaging to reach their victims at all hours of the day. The inundation of tens or hundreds of texts over the matter of a few hours. The seemingly “innocent” likes on “every” social media post, only to find that said likes are from a stalker. The arsenal of tools already available to abusers at their fingertips is alarming, and some AI software seems to add to it. Technology is quickly advancing, and our legal landscape is unfortunately outpaced. For domestic violence victims experiencing digital abuse, this knowledge can add to their fear. If our legal system doesn’t know how to properly address these evolving threats, how can victims feel protected? And that is where creativity is needed to use such tools against the abusers themselves.
AI also presents unique benefits for survivors. For example, chatbots can engage domestic violence survivors in anonymous conversations, providing them with immediate support and information tailored to their needs. Predictive analytics can also enable social services and law enforcement to better identify at-risk individuals by evaluating patterns of behavior. With this new information available literally at their fingertips, organizations are better informed on how to allocate resources and facilitate quicker responses to incidents of domestic violence. This proactive approach not only has the potential to save lives but also fosters a more supportive environment for victims to feel their safety is prioritized.
As technology continues to grow and change, it is essential to advocate for ethical practices, vigorous protections, and approaches that respond to the voices of domestic violence survivors. Through responsible implementation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can instead be a tool utilized against domestic violence.
If you or someone you know wants to learn more about Domestic Violence, our Modern Legal Team is here to help.
Please note: these educational materials are based on North Carolina law where my legal practice is based. While the insights may have wide applicability, readers should consult with an attorney regarding the specific laws in their state or country.
Written by: Theresa E. Viera