“I am concerned about my family, what will happen if I divorce?”

“What will happen to my children?”

“The other spouse is hiding money; how can I leave with no money?”

“What will happen to the house?”

As the common phrase goes, there is no such thing as a stupid question. But there is a bad answer.

Whether it is in my office or out and about in town, I hear horror stories when people follow the wrong advice. Especially when it comes to your children, your family, and your finances – Ask away, but be careful following the advice of unreliable sources.

Before social media and the internet, it was common to talk among friends and family about intimate and family issues. Unlike social media and the internet though, generally the responding friends and family members had a vested interest in what was best for the person asking the question. With this vested interest in the future of a loved one, the questioning person would often be led to reliable advice from a reliable source – especially if the question called for professional advice from a teacher, a doctor, an accountant, or a lawyer. But in the age of the internet and social media, people tend to turn first to Google or a social media group for such questions, instead of a caring, more reliable, and more informed source.

This is not to say that the information you find online is automatically bad; however, you cannot trust everything you read on the internet. If you have a question, do not hesitate to ask; hesitate to follow.

Based on a report conducted by the American Bar Association in 2023, over 89% of law firms (with 2 or more lawyers) had websites. On those websites, many lawyers will share general legal education to help people find their footing when it comes to complex legal issues – including legal issues pertaining to divorce, child custody, and financial matters. Despite this vast resource, I also see a lot of posts in various social media groups or online threads that ask for legal information in often apparent dire situations. In every post, I can literally feel an urge to help…but how?

With this question in mind backed by the efforts of our growing Modern Legal team, we developed a podcast to answer exactly those questions. Our podcast “Legal Lounge” aims to bring light to the realities of the family, children, finances, marriage, and the law. Check it out on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Youtube!

If you or someone you know is enduring a family law matter, our Modern Legal Team is here to help.

Please note: these educational materials are based on North Carolina law where my legal practice is based. While the insights may have wide applicability, readers should consult with an attorney regarding the specific laws in their state or country. 

Written by: Theresa E. Viera

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