Dear Client, we need your help! Attorneys need help in ensuring the best possible outcome of your case. You know your case better than anyone; so help us, help you! In many cases, you can help us by following these tips and tricks:
1. Respond to Emails or Phone Calls: If you attorney emails or calls you, please respond to them as soon as possible. Normally, we are in need of additional information or want to check-in on you and your case. By responding, we can keep an open line of communication. In addition, it helps us keep your case moving forward so you can move forward with your life!
2. Provide all requested documents: Your attorney will request a lot of information and documentation from you, including: photos, financial information, and the like. If your attorney requests documents from you, try to send them as soon as possible and in an organized and timely manner. Not only will it help minimize the amount billed to your case (because our team does not have to keep asking for documents), it will allow your attorney to be ready with all the information that is needed for discovery, mediation, trial, or settlement. Your attorney needs time to review these important items and wants to review all relevant information to strategize the best outcome for your case. Keeping the documents organized and providing all requested documents helps your attorney help you!
3. Keep Us Updated: During the course of your case, things will happen that may affect your case. For example: your job status may change, a custodial exchange may not go as planned, you may want to move residences, or something similar. As soon as these events come up (or even before they occur), email or call your attorney to provide them with an update. When it is time to prepare for mediation, trial, or settlement, this information is crucial. If you do not tell your attorney, your attorney cannot help you obtain the best outcome for your case.
4. Provide us with Contact Information: If you are working with a counselor, financial advisor, government resource, or the like, please provide the contact information for these individuals to your attorney. Over the course of legal representation and litigation, it may become important for your attorney to contact this entity for further information concerning your situation that is important for your legal case.
5. Timeline of Events: Put together a chronological timeline of the events in your case. Start from the beginning of your marriage or relationship until present day. This will allow your attorney to maximize their time with you and better understand your case to prepare for mediation, trial, or settlement. Writing out a timeline can also jog your memory to ensure that you are telling your attorney all of the available and relevant information to pursue appropriate legal relief.
If you are someone you know is going through a family law dispute, our Modern Legal Team is here to help.
Written by: Theresa E. Viera