Resolving to Rest: Take Care of YOU in 2022
It has been almost two years since the onset of the pandemic; which means it has been just about two years since I decided to initiate the separation and divorce process with the help of Theresa Viera and the Modern Legal team. As a result, I learned how to balance several responsibilities on my own and in the midst of the world literally changing day to day. This ultimately meant I took on the role of two people, and I am TIRED.
Rest is really important for a number of reasons such as stress reduction, memory enhancement, productivity, improved metabolism, and more. With the help of my fitness monitor and its repeated notifications to improve my rest and sleep habits, I realized that it was time to make these necessities a priority.
While I remain unable to add more hours into a day, I have discovered some ways to rest, and the benefits have been substantial. Pick a few things from the list below and be sure to make your rest a priority.
Write: Writing is a therapeutic act. I love to scribble lists that outline things to do, things to STOP doing, or goals for my future. Sometimes I write an email that I would LOVE to send to my ex when I’m irritated. Of course, I’m careful to jot it in my journal and not in my email. Pressing “send” when I finish would just be too tempting. When I release feelings of unrest onto paper, I find I’m able to let those negative emotions go. As a result, I am able to feel rest and relief.
Soak in a warm bath: All it takes is 20 minutes and a soak in the bath to help rest your mind and body. Add scented epsom salt or candles to make it even more relaxing. Train everyone around you to allow you to have this quiet time when needed.
Listen to music: Whenever stress or unrest gets the best of me, I turn to one of my favorite playlists. I use several (free) music apps on my phone that over time learn my favorite songs and genres. If I’m feeling overwhelmed and need to rest my mind during work hours, I simply search “work productivity” and get music that keeps me motivated. Look for playlists that have music that is 60 beats per minute. This mimics the human heartbeat and provides focus and calm. This my favorite way to rest during the day.
Establish a bedtime routine: In order to get a reasonable number of hours of sleep each night, I need to have my eyes closed no later than 11:00pm. I set reminders around the house that tell me to start winding down at 9:30pm. This gives me time to tidy the house, change my clothes, brush my teeth, wash my face and answer any last-minute emails. Then I get into bed with a few minutes to spare for some reading before the lights go out. Although I don’t always follow this routine perfectly, I’m more mindful of what steps I need to take for better rest at night.
Resolve to rest up in this new year. Take care of you. Then take care of the many tasks related to your legal proceedings. If all else fails, relax with some chocolate or your favorite indulgence. For me, chocolate makes everything better. Always.
– Anonymous Client
“Through the Client’s Eye” blog series stems from the desire of Modern Legal clients to share information to those who have yet to endure a family law matter. Each client’s story is exquisitely unique; however, there are many times when a client will say at the end of the case, “I wish I had known…” This blog series focuses on filling that gap as a means to help anyone who is about to start or is in the midst of a family law dispute. The comments contained in each blog reflect the feelings and viewpoint of the respective client. All identifying information has been withheld to protect said client’s identity as well as any related legal matter.